Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Single Man

I know its very obsolete of me to be saying this, but i actually just finished 'a single man' by tom ford, after a long while of it being release into the theatre. And i lurve it. Absolutely lurve it!

You see, i've always been a loyal audience to colin firth ever since he came out of the lake all soaking wet in pride and prejudice, but the last hour or so spent watching the movie was everything i ever needed to fall back in love with him again. Gawd. I don't think people are engineered in that fine manner anymore. If only i was in england, with a couple more years on my shoulder, blonde and with legs up to the neck, i would snatch him in a heartbeat.

But alas, i'm am not and will never be that bitch. Haha. And i'm also not here to tell you about the story of 'a single man', for you need to see it yourself to truly admire the beauty of it. Besides, i believe there's far too many reviews done on it that simply might have ruined the magic tom ford has installed for us. I wouldn't want to add salt to the wound. I'm merely here to remind you to ogle at that fine specimen of the man himself, colin firth, in his finest moment.

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