Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where has the paper unicorn gone?

I've somehow lost sight of the waltzing paper unicorn by the dusty sawdust lake. It was a long while since i last heard the silent chimes of its bell, shivering thru my thoughts. The silvery tiny bell worn around the circle of its unicorn, that twinkles with the slightest heartbeat. I wonder if darkness has painted its existence away. Erasing every solid bit of it, till i'm left without even an echo of its being.

I searched wildly at every room in my memory for the trace of the paper unicorn. Meddling with the quiet turbulence of my mind, dragging it past consciousness, into a vault of untrue reality where sparkles of imagination ignite the wildest dreams. And maybe, just maybe, i'll find my lost paper unicorn amidst the freezing sea of fallen possibilities.