Saturday, June 26, 2010

26th June 2010

Warning. You're about to read the epic life story of a twenty something, caught in a whirlpool of mindless bitching, constant mood swing and the occasional meltdown, with the usual tequila shot thrown into it all. Consider yourself warned.

So, there i was at the capital city of complaint, or formally known as Singapore, last weekend with a pocketful of currency, which i went and blew it on some nonsensical pair of navy blue dockers from topman, some twilight green headphones at bugis, mositurizers and the rest on cab fares. Mrt is just too complicated in my opinion. The whole route map itself is like a crash course in bomb diffusing, the ticketing machine doesn't eat notes for some weird reason and those damn escalators are like on speed or something. A killing machine if you ask me. Confirmed lawsuit.

Hermès and Massino D, was closed post flash flood, which was a pity cause i was hoping to get some mud stained trousers, or disintegrated shirts out of it. Nowadays, i'm all for not letting ruined couture goes to waste, and i'm sure dressing up in the tone of a homeless can be quite enticing. Wouldn't you agree?


Mr EB said...

This homeless guy is classy...

the ugly submarine said...

Yes indeed. Very favorable. Haha.