I think i got to be like the most boring person ever when it comes to online activities. I do the usual mail checking every time i goes online, which sadly to say, doesn't takes much time since i have only two email addresses and nobody ever emails me. Afterward, i'll usually log onto my blog and see if there's any comments that i need to moderate, which is also very VERY rare. Then i'll fire up hollywoodrag and perezhilton religiously to get my daily dosage of coffee table gossip on the fabulous world of trashy celebrities. I would occasionally check on my friend's blog but only two of them really blog while the rest have gone on hiatus for months, if not years. Aside from that, there are four other blogs that i stalk periodically on my blogroll, but that's it. Finito! I don't do msn or skype very often, unless i'm desperate for attention. I rather call then type. And i'm putting off facebook for awhile coz' its getting to my nerve with all the invites and notifications. Let's see what else. Hmm. Oh, i try to post an entry on a daily basis, but there's only so much you can blog about and i usually draft my entries offline on TextEdit before slapping it up online to post it. So what else are there to do online? Porn? I'm not really a fan. Online games? I hate games. Aimless google? A bit aimless kan?
So, what do you do when you get online?
So, what do you do when you get online?