Friday, December 15, 2006

Cinta Means Love

Being in the same industry myself, i think it's only fair that i give 'CINTA' an equivalent attention as i would give any hollywood blockbusters. Saying so, fifteen of us step into the theater last wednesday, each with an opinion of it's own, to let this latest homegrown movie swept us off our feet with it's whiz and humour. Talk about being supportive of our local film industry!

Personally, i think the first couple of minutes was the most attention-seeking-borderline-confusing moment in the tale. It's when all ten characters are being establish into it's five love stories. Nevertheless, i was blown/swept/vacuum away as each stories unfold itself into heart warming tales of it's own.

CINTA means love in malay. And in this movie, love is shared between strangers, siblings and husband and wife. The main cast was remarkable in bringing out the soul in each character, making the story so real and true to the heart . And i have to personally thank the casting director for scouting such remarkable extras. Never have i seen such courage from an extra to pursue the true meaning of acting even with the knowledge that they will only be a blur in the entire movie. In fact, at certain scene some of them practically stole the limelight of the main cast.

Sugar coated words aside, a review would not be complete without some diva-like throat cutting criticism. Many, i repeat MANY moments of the movie is so cliche and over the top, that you just feel like slapping both the director and script writer for coming up with such idiotic scene. Candle light dinner in a park with their own symphony orchestra! What were they thinking? That is like so 1960's for god sake. And don't let me get started with those hideous flower that eizlan gave fasha on their first date. It's suppose to be for a love one not for teachers day! You goddamnit! And what about those raining scene. Why must it always rain when someone is crying or slightly sad? Why? And did i mention, continuity barely exist and the sound design felt half done, even though the selection of tracks are fantastic.

I know bernard did a great job in localizing 'legally blonde' into 'gol and gincu'. And you would have thought that would be it, no more copycat remakes. But no. Boom came CINTA. It's like watching 'love actually', '50 first date' and 'wicker's park' all in one movie. Talk about value for money!

On a last note, i think CINTA still deserve a three and a half star out of five for it's great storytelling, ingenious cinematography and notable cast. Well done.

And eizlan, i think you better speak to your dietician. Love handle and double chin is not, in anyway, the new fashion must-have-it accessories.

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