Saturday, September 1, 2007

My very own Independence Day

At the stroke of midnight, i managed to curl and twirl myself in between the hundreds of people that flooded the entire ground of curve to catch a glimpse of the dancing fireworks parading high up in the pitch black sky. It was a smoky, sweaty, hot and smelly affair, but nevertheless i was giddy like a four year old child at the end of it all. Fireworks always does that to me. Or probably it was the tiny bottle of wine i shared with miss smith at the office right before we leave for curve. I know, i'm a cheap date. So sue me!

But the best bit of my independence day was spending the morning frolicking by the pool with my dad, soaking in the heat of the sun as we race across the pool. It was an ideal morning. Like the morning i had two decades back when i was six and sitting on the shoulder of my hero, as he swam across the pool.

It was also the day mr ex-boyfriend decided to moved out from the house we shared, to the other end of the state. Even thought its just forty minutes drive away from me, but it felt a lot further knowing that he won't be there to share my occasional midnight urge to have tom yam soup at kakak gemuk's store or he would be way too far to come out for yam cha. I'll miss him no doubt, but maybe its for the best.

Happy independence day!

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