Thursday, September 27, 2007


Hopefully i won't get caught for posting up these pictures but i'm just itchy-fied to do so, to boast about my one day affair with a certain mr lee hom in taipei. Mind you, its not always one gets a chance to spend an entire day stuck in a studio with him, breathing the same air and sharing the same loo. And no, i didn't spy on him while he was taking his piss, if that's what you're thinking coz' that would be low. The furthest i did was trying to hide in his dressing room during lunch break hoping that he'll eat alone and thus gaining me some private moment with him. But little did i know the door was lock and i was too hungry to even bother. The guys ordered pizza. You can't blame me.

And thanks to his useless troop of entourage, the closest interaction i had with him was when i told him we're ready for his next scene, he casually replied, 'wait!' Hmm. Wait. Ohh, it can mean MANY things! And i'll wait for him alright. I'll wait till kingdom come if i have to. Waiting is my passion and so are you, mr lee hom. Aww.

its a wrap!


ben said...

I think the 'wait' could meant
'fucking leave me alone, you stupid dump whore, can't you fucking see I'm busy here?!?!'
Awww, he was so rude... awww...
No wonder I don't like him...

the ugly submarine said...

w h a t e v e r !

ben said...

hahahaha, so you do agree what i said kan?