Friday, January 7, 2011

Today's Inspiration : Delusional Post-War Soldier

So, i had this recurring dream about me being in this post-war melodrama episode, and i woke up thinking maybe i should really stop watching blast from the past so many a times. And as i was ducking through my drawers trying to get dress for work, i pulled out this rather old and rather tight lil t-shirt i got from shanghai that totally reflect my whole post-war affair. And i thought, i should go to work as a retired-delusional-post-war-soldier-living-on-military-pension for the day!

My inspiration is partly taken from Ryan Kwanten's spread for the september '09 issue of GQ Magazine, and these dreamy fushia/blue
unknown fashion editorial from And in the photos, i was actually trying to pretend that i'm a channel surfing overweight couch potatoe soldier. I failed, obviously.

By the way, you can't really tell the details on my t-shirt, but its of some forties lieutenant shirt design printed on it. It even has this printed ray ban hanging from the printed breast pocket with a printed nametag on it. The whole nine yard! BUT then i remember why i seldom/never wear it. It has this really weird puff up cap sleeves. Yes, you hear me right, cap-effing-sleeves that puff up like cinderella's pumpkin dress! What a shocker.

Here's the unknown editorial from I cannot stress enough that if these photos are yours and you want it down, please.. please don't hesitate to let me know. But before you do so, can you give me the number to your retoucher. I think i might need to hire him..

* I'll work harder to resemble my inspiration next time. These ones turned out rather half-baked actually :O

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