Monday, January 10, 2011

Want a dose of Justin B's nail polish?

I woke up this morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, to the horror that was before my eyes. Imagine base-jumping off the sinkhole in the middle of guatemala city (you know, the hole that swallowed a house and a three-storey building a while back), times that by say.. #367265 and you'll get the weight of the horror i'm facing. Justin Beaver, the smooching young youtube sensation as we know him, has launched his own line of nail polish for Nicole by OPI! Shocker, rite! Jeez. What's worst is that the 'collection' was released at 3,000 walmart stores across united states and all 3,000 stores completely sold out!!! People, what is happening here? At times of our economy crisis is just at its baby step to recovery, we do not spend money on nail polish from a boy who haven't even finish high school. That's not wise. And i'm sure as hell its not spiritually sound to do so either. People, listen to me.. these whole justin beaver massacre is not cool. Not cool at all.

What's next? His own line of clip-on dentures for the oldies so they can belt out his song without the fear of losing their teeth while at it? Jeez..

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