Monday, January 3, 2011

Two Thousand Eleven VS Iliann Loeb

If you know me as a real person and not just words from cyberspace, you'll prolly know that i'm a wuzz. No really. I have peanuts in exchange of guts. I'm not proud but i guess if you're living in karma one too many days, it does things to your head. And in my case, i guess i've turned into a wuzz. Think dobby, the house elf with oriental eyes.

So, for my two thousand eleven new year's resolution, i’ve decided i would like to be a bit braver. I'll be more vocal with my thoughts and i'll put regret in the back seat and just do things i really truly want to do. Which sadly brings me to Iliann Loeb's winter 2011 collection. I'm a big fan of earth tones, knitted sweats, faux fur shearling jacket (thanks to lady yessica) and the lot, but somehow from their lookbook the collection awfully resembles a scary crossover between pirate of the caribbean and jean paul gaultier's spring 2008 collection. Imaginative, but its been done far too many times to be anything genuine. The fabric and its textures looks fantastic though, but it doesn't do justice enough to be retrospective in the new year, does it? Hmm..

See, criticizing some poor designer's hard work is not that difficult. I can be brave. Wait. What's that feeling deep down inside my stomach? A regret bubble, perhaps. Ohh... i'm beginning to feel awful. Maybe I should take a breather and go lie down.

By the way, thank you two thousand eleven, you have turned me into a monster. Meh.

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