Oh god, i have sin (again!) It started off as an innocent suggestion to get a massage with a colleague, since i've been working my ass off for the pass few weeks. But later, after getting a number off the net and driving half way across shanghai town (did i forgot to mention that i'm in shanghai, again?), we were drop off at an awfully quite street. Lot number 332 stood in front of us, staring at us with an evil grin. And that's where i met him.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
I'm addicted. Help me!
Another set of meme. Yes, i'm ultimately addicted to it and this time, i won't be tagging anyone in particular, coz i've made enough enemies the other time. So, enjoy.
Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Haven't, but i would love to! You can't believe the high i get each time i walk pass those metal detector in the airport. I get all fuming inside and... i think you get the idea. Details are just for perverts anyway.
Do you have any weird sleeping habits?
According to my designated bedmate in shanghai, miss jacie, i tend to sleep face down against the pillow, with the comforter pull up all the way to cover my head, leaving my toes to frost nicely.
When is the last time you've been swimming in a lake?
At least eight years back while i was back home in langkawi. But it's creepy la to swim in the lake. The greenish water somehow seems like a good hiding place for two headed dragons and mushy four eye platypus! Eeeii
Would you rather sleep with someone else, or by yourself?
Definitely with someone else. I'm not a good loner. I'm much better off with friends.
When was the last time you went to the beach?
Haha. Less than a week ago, at perhentian.
Do you consider yourself creative?
Utterly and definitely. Aren't all sisters born creative naturally?
Do you think O.J. killed his wife?
Who knows? Poor soul. She's been dead for like more than a decade already. Can't she just rest in peace coz it doesn't matter who killed her, she's dead anyway. All the attention given to O.J is tortured enough, whether he did it or not.
Are you happy with your given name?
Er..yes. It's a bizarre name but it's mine and i happen to like it a lot!
Do you stay friends with your exes?
You mean ex. Singular. Yes i do. He's still on my speed dial. He's a friend la.
Do you know how to play poker?
Take a stick, aim and just poke. Hahaha. No. I don't know how but i know how to play 21 tho.
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
Let me think...once maybe. During one of those crazy shoots with impossible time line and fickle minded film director that is better off working in a fast food joint than do stupid commercials, which doesn't even win any award! Why bother!
What's your favorite commercial?
That's a tough question since i'm working in that particular industry itself. There are so many that i love, like those of the likes of smooth E, but i must say one of the most memorable commercial for me is a local advertisement for dove moisturizing face wash. The testimonial commercial featured shayna and her sister, and their script is something like 'i don't moisture, i don't tone. I just dove!' hihi
What snack do you eat the most?
Er...i actually don't like eating snacks, chocolate, ice cream, crackers and cakes. The tooth fairy stole my sweet tooth by accident, thinking it was m&m. I know i'm weird. But i'm cute too. hihi. Must i remind you it's my blog and i can say whatever i like.
Do you remember the most naughty night of your life?
I think i do. In fact, it involved miss smith, a certain mary and joella. Haha. It was a while back, and we just finish a tourism shoot in langkawi. After a couple of rather tasty malibu sunrise and a few glasses of red wine, we find ourselves having a rat race in the sea with some local boys in our jeans. If that's not silly enough, two hours later, way pass midnight, we had a swimming contest in the hotel pool with the same guys. In the mist of all this, we sort of woke up the rest of the hotel guest with all our high pitch giggling and screams. And i end up stealing a kettle from the poolside bar coz miss smith was hungry for a cup noodle. Then again, when isn't she hungry? It was a hilarious affair.
Have you ever had a Choco Taco?
No. I don't like anything to do with chocolate, remember?
Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees?
Huh? Are those names for nail polish? I prefers OPI. Sorry.
How often do you remember your dreams?
It's been awhile since i dreamt anything. I've been rather exhausted lately from all the fake smiles i have to put on at work, that as soon as my head hits the pillow, i'm off. Period. No dreams. No nothing.
When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
Every other day. I'm born with six hundred and twenty two funny bones buried inside me. I'm a science miracle. A child prodigy.
Can you name 5 songs by N'SYNC?
No. But i can name twenty songs from hilary duff :-)
What's the one thing on your mind now?
I need to down an aspirin now. Massive headache from mixing beer with a LOT of cherries. And also the occasional long island. Yes, i've been out and about yesterday. And no, i didn't get lucky. I'm friendly but not easy.
Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Haven't, but i would love to! You can't believe the high i get each time i walk pass those metal detector in the airport. I get all fuming inside and... i think you get the idea. Details are just for perverts anyway.
Do you have any weird sleeping habits?
According to my designated bedmate in shanghai, miss jacie, i tend to sleep face down against the pillow, with the comforter pull up all the way to cover my head, leaving my toes to frost nicely.
When is the last time you've been swimming in a lake?
At least eight years back while i was back home in langkawi. But it's creepy la to swim in the lake. The greenish water somehow seems like a good hiding place for two headed dragons and mushy four eye platypus! Eeeii
Would you rather sleep with someone else, or by yourself?
Definitely with someone else. I'm not a good loner. I'm much better off with friends.
When was the last time you went to the beach?
Haha. Less than a week ago, at perhentian.
Do you consider yourself creative?
Utterly and definitely. Aren't all sisters born creative naturally?
Do you think O.J. killed his wife?
Who knows? Poor soul. She's been dead for like more than a decade already. Can't she just rest in peace coz it doesn't matter who killed her, she's dead anyway. All the attention given to O.J is tortured enough, whether he did it or not.
Are you happy with your given name?
Er..yes. It's a bizarre name but it's mine and i happen to like it a lot!
Do you stay friends with your exes?
You mean ex. Singular. Yes i do. He's still on my speed dial. He's a friend la.
Do you know how to play poker?
Take a stick, aim and just poke. Hahaha. No. I don't know how but i know how to play 21 tho.
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
Let me think...once maybe. During one of those crazy shoots with impossible time line and fickle minded film director that is better off working in a fast food joint than do stupid commercials, which doesn't even win any award! Why bother!
What's your favorite commercial?
That's a tough question since i'm working in that particular industry itself. There are so many that i love, like those of the likes of smooth E, but i must say one of the most memorable commercial for me is a local advertisement for dove moisturizing face wash. The testimonial commercial featured shayna and her sister, and their script is something like 'i don't moisture, i don't tone. I just dove!' hihi
What snack do you eat the most?
Er...i actually don't like eating snacks, chocolate, ice cream, crackers and cakes. The tooth fairy stole my sweet tooth by accident, thinking it was m&m. I know i'm weird. But i'm cute too. hihi. Must i remind you it's my blog and i can say whatever i like.
Do you remember the most naughty night of your life?
I think i do. In fact, it involved miss smith, a certain mary and joella. Haha. It was a while back, and we just finish a tourism shoot in langkawi. After a couple of rather tasty malibu sunrise and a few glasses of red wine, we find ourselves having a rat race in the sea with some local boys in our jeans. If that's not silly enough, two hours later, way pass midnight, we had a swimming contest in the hotel pool with the same guys. In the mist of all this, we sort of woke up the rest of the hotel guest with all our high pitch giggling and screams. And i end up stealing a kettle from the poolside bar coz miss smith was hungry for a cup noodle. Then again, when isn't she hungry? It was a hilarious affair.
Have you ever had a Choco Taco?
No. I don't like anything to do with chocolate, remember?
Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees?
Huh? Are those names for nail polish? I prefers OPI. Sorry.
How often do you remember your dreams?
It's been awhile since i dreamt anything. I've been rather exhausted lately from all the fake smiles i have to put on at work, that as soon as my head hits the pillow, i'm off. Period. No dreams. No nothing.
When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
Every other day. I'm born with six hundred and twenty two funny bones buried inside me. I'm a science miracle. A child prodigy.
Can you name 5 songs by N'SYNC?
No. But i can name twenty songs from hilary duff :-)
What's the one thing on your mind now?
I need to down an aspirin now. Massive headache from mixing beer with a LOT of cherries. And also the occasional long island. Yes, i've been out and about yesterday. And no, i didn't get lucky. I'm friendly but not easy.
Friday, June 22, 2007
I want to go back to P E R H E N T I A N
Finally, a trip to perhentian with the girls. Ohkay, maybe not just the girls coz it would be quite sad and pathetic if it were just us girls. It would be like a lesbian trip or something. Haha. Cannots! So we invited some boys to fill the gap (isn't that what they are for...filling in the gap...haha)
Anyway, it was nevertheless a relaxing trip away from the city, filled with sun, surf, watermelon juice, 'shit heads' and lots and lots of cam-whoring. I enjoyed myself even though the trip back alone was nerve wracking and vomit-ish. I had to come back for more 'exciting' teleconference with the bloody client. Hmm.

Anyway, it was nevertheless a relaxing trip away from the city, filled with sun, surf, watermelon juice, 'shit heads' and lots and lots of cam-whoring. I enjoyed myself even though the trip back alone was nerve wracking and vomit-ish. I had to come back for more 'exciting' teleconference with the bloody client. Hmm.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
#01 Superstar Couple
The thought of looking at another picture of brangelina on perezhilton is a nightmare for me by itself. I can't take that shit anymore. I know you must be thinking i'm just simply jealous of them, coz they're like the two most gorgeous people in the world who are equally devoted humanitarian with a heart of gold. Oh please! Give me a break will ya. All of this just seems so pretentious and 'rehearse' for me. Oprah does lots of charity bits as well, but you don't see her posting her life away on anonymous blogs and tabloids. Ohkay so maybe miss jolie adopted a few kids, but as far as i know Oprah herself have been 'parenting' ten african kids secretly since 2002, but you still don't see her creating such a big hoohaa about it. I believe most of it is being made an issue by the media itself, but if they don't say or if their manager don't tell, no one would know about it. It's a conspiracy. This whole bragelina thingy. I can feel it.
Anyway, that's just my individual opinion. I might hate them now, but i can't deny that there are moments where i simply think brad is god or the constant thought of going to the plastic surgeon and asking him to carve out an angelina's pout onto my two flappy meat i call lips.
Below is the rundown of my seven top superstar couple that i secretly think rock the shit out of the couple that we shall not mention their name anymore. Enjoy.
psst : oh ya, some of them have already broken up as we speak now, but i still think they rock!

Anyway, that's just my individual opinion. I might hate them now, but i can't deny that there are moments where i simply think brad is god or the constant thought of going to the plastic surgeon and asking him to carve out an angelina's pout onto my two flappy meat i call lips.
Below is the rundown of my seven top superstar couple that i secretly think rock the shit out of the couple that we shall not mention their name anymore. Enjoy.
psst : oh ya, some of them have already broken up as we speak now, but i still think they rock!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I know i'm bad. I know i've neglect you guys for a good three days. But i have a good and reasonable excuse for doing so. No, i'm not pregnant, if that's what you're thinking. I don't think i could possibly be pregnant if i ever wanted to. The thought of stretch mark is a constant nightmare for me. And no, i'm also not losing it. The truth is i'm actually super busy trying to get the girls all hype up for another trip up north to perhentian island! I'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning and it's gonna be best la.
I'll take lots of happy shots for sure.
Kisses for me!
I'll take lots of happy shots for sure.
Kisses for me!
Monday, June 11, 2007
What's this la?

It seems it's a very common plant wor according to the freshly manicured discoball pixie. Have you seen it before?
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
First date

So tell me, what do you do on your first date? I like to know...
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Random thoughts...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
M i s s i n g | you
Shanghai. There's so much to say about the ninth largest city in the world, but personally, what really fascinates me the most about shanghai is their gastronomic delicacies ranging from the very common xiao long bao to the very odd looking stewed duck tongues (yuck!)

Besides those yummy YUMMY! food, shanghai have many interesting sight to offer. One would be utterly amaze with the many poetic monuments still standing strong amidst a horizon of endless modern architecture, notable for its unique style and artistic values.

And then we have Ku Ning aka Dees, the twenty four years old shanghainese who stole a pinch of my heart while i was there. Frankly speaking, he's not what one would consider a looker. However, what really kick my infatuation towards him is his warm and friendly approach towards making sure that i'm always having a blast whenever i'm around him. He makes me feel special...

Tuesday, June 5, 2007
f o u r
I've been tag by an extremely bored miss smith. Maybe this will cheer her up. Maybe.
4 Jobs I've had in my life
1. kitchen helper at TGI Friday (i only lasted for a day)
2. craft service boy (haha)
3. production assistant
4. line producer
4 Movies I can watch over and over again
1. clueless
2. absolutely anything from hilary duff
3. legally blonde
4. spice world
4 Places I've been on Vacation
1. brunei
2. jakarta
3. bali
4. shanghai
4 Of my Favorite Dishes
1. spaghetti with tomato sauce
2. ayam bodoh with mix tomyam
3. steam fish with ginger + garlic paste
4. steamed chicken rice (i'm chinese after all)
4 Places I would like to Visit
1. greece
2. venice
3. london
4. christmas island
4 Most overused Words
1. peh la you
2. ishh
3. aww
4. whatever
4 TV Shows I love to Watch
1. the Nanny
2. friends
3. bewitched
4. lizzie mcguire
4 Bloggers I am Tagging
1. discoball pixie
2. ding 'a' leng
3. sam
4. and whoever
4 Jobs I've had in my life
1. kitchen helper at TGI Friday (i only lasted for a day)
2. craft service boy (haha)
3. production assistant
4. line producer
4 Movies I can watch over and over again
1. clueless
2. absolutely anything from hilary duff
3. legally blonde
4. spice world
4 Places I've been on Vacation
1. brunei
2. jakarta
3. bali
4. shanghai
4 Of my Favorite Dishes
1. spaghetti with tomato sauce
2. ayam bodoh with mix tomyam
3. steam fish with ginger + garlic paste
4. steamed chicken rice (i'm chinese after all)
4 Places I would like to Visit
1. greece
2. venice
3. london
4. christmas island
4 Most overused Words
1. peh la you
2. ishh
3. aww
4. whatever
4 TV Shows I love to Watch
1. the Nanny
2. friends
3. bewitched
4. lizzie mcguire
4 Bloggers I am Tagging
1. discoball pixie
2. ding 'a' leng
3. sam
4. and whoever
Sunday, June 3, 2007
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